Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Kershner's Interstuhl Seating - Annoucing Silver !

Silver must be experienced to be understood.

The visible and the concealed. Neither can be overlooked in consideration of Silver’s impeccable character, nor in reflecting on its creators’ intent: “It was our aim to make the technical complexity invisible and reach the poetic plateau of perfection in seating.”

Silver is, inarguably, the product of pure aspiration to the loftiest of goals. Under the leadership of architect and designer Hadi Teherani, with the collaboration of Ulrich Nether and Hans-Ullrich Bitsch, these goals have been realized in elegant, iconic form. Virgin-cast aluminum monocoque shell. Intriguing transparent castors. Seamlessly integrated ergonomic controls.

Sleekly ornate is one way of describing it. But we leave you to discover your own terms.


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